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Community Day for Play (August)

Photo: Joe Ignatius

Volunteers and neighbors gathered on a sunny Saturday, August 31st to celebrate our monthly Community Day at Overton. As usual, the garden crew kicked the afternoon off with a little plant TLC before handing it over to special guest E’a Williams of T.H.U.G. Hippie

A volunteer waters the plants. Photo: Joe Ignatius

Williams, a self-described “trauma-healing urban guru,” takes her Creativity Bus around Chicago leading activities that promote social and emotional wellbeing. On this day, we got a chance to paint, double dutch, and improvise on the drums together. 

E'a Williams in the Creativity Bus. Photo: Joe Ignatius

Attendees jump double Dutch with E'a Williams. Photo: Joe Ignatius

Attendees improvise in a drum circle. Photo: Joe Ignatius

Also joining us were DJ Stain and our Overton Exchange vendors—local groups, individuals, and businesses that table under our new canopy, including:

Courtney Jolliff chats with an attendee at his table. Photo: Joe Ignatius

Attendee checks out Lillian Augusta Beauty's wares. Photo: Joe Ignatius.

We hope to see you at Overton soon, before our season comes to a close! We have two more events lined up before saying goodbye for 2024:

Garden Workshop: Pest Management and Compost 

Led by Lucía León

October 5, 10am - 12pm

Overton, 4927 S Indiana Ave

Community Day

Guests TBA

October 19, 11am - 3pm 

Overton, 4927 S Indiana Ave

Photos: Joe Ignatius

The Overton Exchange POP is brought to you by the City of Chicago’s Public Outdoor Plaza (POP!) program, designed to create strategic community gathering spaces that serve as destination points for residents and neighborhood visitors.


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